NOTE: This is a post from our old blog from June, 2009 and our days in Alaska. I hope you enjoy this little piece of our history.
Gardening in Arizona didn’t work for me . . . at all (well, I did get one tomato, two cucumbers, and some thyme) . . . so in coming to Alaska, one of the most exciting thoughts for me was that maybe I could help my sister-in-law with her garden and actually get to see something grow! She was more than happy to let me help, so after my husband tilled up the ground, we formed 5 rows about 25 feet long and 2 feet apart, picked out the rocks (tons of rocks!) and weeds, sprinkled a little chicken coop stuff on top, and planted our seeds.

We had planned on painting wood pieces to make signs for our garden, but at the last minute, the idea of painting rocks instead came to mind. So, all five of our painting age children went to work to help us label our garden. They had so much fun . . . some of my best memories from my childhood have to do with gardening with my parents. I hope our children will also have sweet memories of times working together as family in the garden.

Our little garden rocks aren’t fancy, but they are a daily reminder to me to make memories with my children that will last.

And praise Yah who makes all things grow, who brings forth plants from tiny seeds! We now have 26 potato plants (and more popping up everyday . . . good thing we love potatoes!), two kinds of lettuce, broccoli, carrots, pole beans, peas, onions, chives, and one little mint plant. I am so excited to see a garden grow at last!
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